Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hair loss

Hair Loss is a common problem which arises mainly due to environmental pollution and also sometimes due to heredity. Physical as well as emotional factors are also very responsible for hair loss. If you lead a stressful life it will cause more hair loss than normal condition. Also your hair will become dull and lifeless if you are emotionally upset. As soon as your body finds its equilibrium and you have recovered from stress, the hair loss should cease. So the best hair loss treatment is to reduce stress from your life.

Few Tips to Manage Your Stress

• Take deep breathing to manage your stress. It is simple as well as very effective means to reduce stress. It is the core component of many stress management techniques, which are comparatively complex in nature.

• Meditation is also another popular stress management technique. It is the process of focusing upon the core of one's being. It soothes the mind, body and the emotions.

• Yoga is also a highly effective stress management technique. It has many forms but all forms work on the principle that the mind has a connection with the body and breathing. Yoga restores the balance and harmony in the body and emotions through different breathing exercises and postures. It increases the body’s flexibility and capability for relaxation.

Few Other Hair Loss Solutions

For faster hair growth and re-growth, you should usually take a varying combination of several key amino acids, biotin, vitamins B6 and E, and zinc. Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need to take or eat to maintain healthy hairs are:

* Vitamin A
* All B vitamins-particularly vitamins B-6 and B-12, folic acid, biotin
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin E
* Copper, iron, zinc, iodine, silica
* Essential fatty acids
* Protein
* Drink 4- 6 glasses of water daily.

You can also take some herbal hair loss supplements that specifically targets baldness and hair loss. Massage also helps to stimulate hair growth. It is age-old hairs lose natural treatment to stimulate the hair follicles, unclog any blocked oil glands in the scalp, and help promote a healthy scalp and new, healthy hair growth.

Hair Loss Remedy
Your physical as well as emotional factors greatly influence your hair fall. Good health largely contributes to your radiant and shining hairs. Your hairs become dull and lifeless if you are upset emotionally. Stress can affect your hair the same way and your hair will begin to fall out. So, it’s very essential to reduce stress that causes hair loss and makes it dull and lifeless.

Effective Ways to Manage Your Stress

• Meditation: Meditation is one of the most popular stress management techniques. It is the process of focusing upon the core of one's being. It soothes the mind, body and the emotions.

• Imagery: Imagery is a method of relaxation through use of pleasant or relaxing images. Such images help to calm the body and mind. One can get a sense of relaxation by simply controlling the breathing and viewing some soothing image.

• Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is a simple but effective stress management technique. It is actually the core component of many stress management techniques, which are comparatively complex in nature.

• Progressive Muscle Relaxation: One can use Progressive Muscle Relaxation to achieve mental relaxation through physical relaxation. It involves tightening and relaxing the muscle groups in succession. In this technique, you first need to tense up a group of muscles to contract them as much as possible. Then relax the muscles normally after a few seconds. You should relax the muscles as much as possible.

• Martial arts: Practicing martial arts can be a great stress management technique. It keeps one physically fit and mentally alert. There are several martial arts that one can take up. Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that is popularly known as "meditation in motion". It stresses precision and force. The body movements are soft and flowing.

• Yoga: Yoga is also an effective as a stress management technique. Yoga has many forms but all forms work on the principle that the mind has a connection with the body and breathing. Yoga restores the balance and harmony in the body and emotions through different breathing exercises and postures. It increases the body’s flexibility and capability for relaxation.

Hair Loss Causes
Causes of Hair Loss

• Hormonal problems: If your thyroid gland is under active or overactive, you will suffer the problem of hair loss. This hair loss generally can be cured by treatment of the thyroid disorder.

Hair loss may occur if androgens (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones) are out of balance. Clinical treatment of hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.

• Pregnancy: Pregnant women may notice hair loss problems with in a period of about 3 months after delivery.

• Fungal infections: Certain fungal infections can cause hair loss. Generally, children may have hair loss problems caused by a fungal infection of the scalp. This type of fungal infection can be easily treated with antifungal medicines.

• Certain medicines: Some medicines (mainly sulphur drugs) can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss problem improves when you stop taking the medicine.

Medicines that can cause hair loss include anticoagulants (also known as blood thinners), medicines utilized in chemotherapy to treat cancer, medicines used for gout, vitamin A (if too much is taken), birth control pills, and antidepressants.

• Major operation or prolong illness: If you have undergone a major operation or have suffered a prolong illness you can face the problem of hair loss. However, this hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary.

Hair Loss Solution
Hair loss is a very common problem today. But still there is no sure-fire way to prevent all hair loss; however, there are some methods that have been used that work on some people.

• Aloe Vera can be used to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss. Aloe’s positive effects on the skin are well known, and likewise it can help the scalp by healing it and balancing the pH level of the scalp while cleansing the pores.

A common preparation of Aloe Vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk is used as a shampoo and has traditionally shown great benefit.

• Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit traditionally when used externally. It is suggested that to promote a clean scalp, stimulation of the hair root, and thickening hair one should boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair daily.

• Nettles are rich in vitamins A and C, several key minerals and lipids that can be beneficial to the hair. Nettle Root Extract has been used successfully in Europe as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase in treating BPH.

As mentioned earlier, 5-alpha reductase is a key component in turning testosterone into DHT, the substance that causes the atrophy of hair follicles. Therefore it is an effective component used in natural hair loss treatments.

• A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp.

Once the mixture is in the scalp for 20 minutes, wash your hair and scalp with your normal shampoo mixed with three drops of bay essential oil. Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in mild cases stimulate some hair growth.

Hair Loss Treatment
Baldness is one of the biggest threats that both men as well as women are facing today. This is the reason why hair loss remedies are a billion dollar industry.

There are some very effective Hair Loss Treatments that will help you to control your Hair Loss.

• Anti - Androgenic Therapy: Excessive amount of DHT (which is a component of the male hormone) causes hair loss and baldness. If DHT is the cause of your hair loss than your doctor can put you on drugs that form a part of antiandrogen therapy.

In women, the treatment is called CPA (cyproterone acetate) with ethinyl-estradiol. The therapy typically lasts for a period of one year.

• Get Your Hormones Checked: Specific problems with the hormones such as thyroid and pituitary can also be a major cause of hair loss.

If hormonal imbalance is the reason for hair loss, then your doctor would recommend you a course of appropriate drugs to solve the problem.

• Hair Transplant: Hair transplant is surgical method for Hair Loss Treatment. It involves operations that extract parts of the scalp from the sides and back of the head where the hair grows well.

It is then implanted on those regions of the head that are going bald. Hair re-growth is possible because the hair follicles in the side and the back of the head are immune to the hair loss problems. However, it is an expensive procedure.

• Hair Loss Products: Over the years, researchers have invented certain drugs that work very successfully for hair loss.

Natural Cure for Hair Loss
Hair loss

Hair loss is a metabolic disorder where hair starts thinning, falling, or disappearing. The papilla which is an upgrowth at the base of the follicle, actually produces hair when a special group of cells turn amino acids into keratin, a type of protein of which hair is made. The rate of production of these protein 'building blocks' determines hair growth. Hair loss is more common to men than to women.

Symptoms of Hair Loss

Following are the major hair loss symptoms:

1. Falling of hairs.
2. Thinning of hairs

Causes of Hair Loss

Following are the major hair loss causes:

1. Lack of vitamins (specially vitamin B6 and folic acid) in diet
2. Inadequate nutrition and improper diet
3. Stress, worry, anxiety, and sudden shock
4. Heredity factors
5. Prolonged Illness (like typhoid, syphilis, chronic cold, influenza, and anaemia)
6. Unclean condition of the scalp
7. Poor blood circulation

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Following are some of the effective home remedies for hair loss:

1. Boil one cup mustard oil with four tablespoon heena (mehendi) leaves. Filter it and keep it in a bottle. Message it on the bald patches regularly. It is very effective natural remedy for baldness.
2. Grind fenugreek seeds with water and apply on the head. Leave for at least 40 minutes before washing. Continue it for a month.
3. Do a vigorous rubbing of the scalp with fingers after washing the hair with cold water. It is also a good natural hair loss treatment.
4. Rub the bald area with onions till it becomes red. Then apply honey on the bald area. It is very effective natural cure for baldness
5. Make a mixture of honey with egg yolk. Properly massage on the scalp and hairs. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then wash
6. Prepare a home made shampoo by adding 5 tbsp of curd, 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of gram raw (chholia) powder. Apply it on the head for an hour and then wash
7. Apply fresh leaf juice of amaranth to the hair. It will help the growth of the hair and keep it soft.

Hair Loss Treatment and Advice

1. Include plenty of protein and iron in your diet
2. Take mineral supplements like calcium, magnesium, and zinc
3. Do not use hair dryers
4. Do meditation to reduce stress and tension
5. Don’t pull on your hair with a brush or comb when it is wet
6. Do not use hair dyes (synthetic hair colors)
7. Eat green and leafy vegetables

Herbal Remedies for Hair Loss

1. Mix 100 g each of amla (goose berry), reetha, and shikakai and boil in two liters of water till the liquid reduces to half. It is good herbal remedy for hair loss
2. Massage the scalp and hair with coconut milk or Aloe Vera gel. Leave it for ½ hour, and then rinse with warm water. Do this thrice a week
3. Mix aloe Vera with herbal powder triphala and apply it to the hairs. Continue this for three to six months. New hairs will start growing.

Natural Hair Conditioners and Shampoos

Home Made Hair Sprays
1 lemon or orange
Chop one lemon into four pieces. If you have dry hair, you can
do the same with an orange. Place the lemon or orange in a pot
with 2 cups water. Boil until half of the initial amount of water
remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle.
Note: Store it in the refrigerator. You can also add one ounce of
rubbing alcohol as a preservative. Doing this will allow you to
keep the spray for two weeks un-refrigerated. If you find the
hairspray too sticky, just add more water.

Home Made Hair Conditioner
3-4 tablespoons of Yogurt
Coconut Oil
Egg White Beaten
Mashed soft banana
Hair henna
Mix all the ingredients and apply on your hair for about 15
minutes to 30 minutes depending upon the amount of
conditioning required. Make sure that you have covered the
roots and the tips. Wash well with water and if wanted shampoo
as you usually do. An instant shine and freshness is seen in your

Natural Dandruff Treatment
1/2 cup Water
1/2 cup of White Vinegar
Add both the ingredients together and then apply directly to the
scalp. Use before shampoo. For better result, apply it twice a

Home Made Anti Dandruff Formula
2 tablespoons cornmeal
1/2 cup grape seed oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 plastic bag that will fit over your hair
Pour the grape seed oil into a bowl, and add the cornmeal and
vinegar. Stir well to make pasty oil. Firstly rinse hair with warm
water. Massage the oil into the scalp using your fingertips in a
circular motion gently. Repeat until the entire scalp has been
massaged. Now place a plastic bag over your hair, secure with a
hair clip or clothespin, and allow oil to remain on for at least
1/2 hour. Finally rinse well, with shampoo as you normally

Rose Petals Soap
1/2 cup of clear glycerin soap base
rose petals
20 drops of scent of your choice
Melt about 1/2 cup of clear glycerin soap base. When melted,
add approximately 20 drops of scent (for better fragrance, add
Rose Garden fragrance). Using a pair of tweezers, dip rose
petals in the melted glycerin soap. Dip one at a time, shaking
off the excess soap, and place the petal on waxed paper to dry.
As they start to dry, gently turn them over to keep them from
getting a glob of soap underneath them.

Home Made Soap for Natural Glow
Bars of natural fragrance or color free soap
Essential oil
Food coloring
Almond oil
Vitamin E oil
Grate soap in a blender and boil a pot of water and put a glass
bowl over the pot. Add some almond oil into the bowl and then
add soap into the bowl. Take the water from the pot and add it
into the bowl until soap changes into paste. Add oils, color, and
vitamin E as desired. Let cool in molds of your choice. Air out
on wax paper for a day or two.

Apple or Carrot Facial Mask Recipe
1 apple or a large carrot
Grate an apple finely and then add about 4 tablespoons of
honey. Mix it well apply the mask to your face wait 10 minutes
and rinse. This recipe works very well for oily skins. If your
skin is not oily you can substitute raw carrots for the apple. I
tend to use the apples most of the time but if I am having an
acne problem I use carrots for my facial mask that week.

Facial Mask Recipes for Normal combination, oily and
blemished skin
1 egg white
1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal
1 teaspoon olive oil
few drops of lemon juice
Mix one egg white, 1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal, a teaspoon
olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice until smooth. Spread
on your face and neck, leave on for 15 – 30 min then rinse with
lukewarm water. Few drops lemon juice will help to reduce
blackheads while egg white will leave your skin feel “tight”
after this mask application.

Banana, Yogurt and Honey Facial Mask
1/2 banana
2 tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
Mash the banana with a fork then mix in honey and yogurt. Apply
to your face evenly. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with
cool water and get soft and smooth skin.

Orange and Yogurt Facial Mask
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
Juice of 1/4 of an orange
Mash the above ingredients properly and apply on your face
gently. The sensation is both cool and relaxing. Leave on for a
five minutes and then rinse. If you are feeling sluggish, this is the
perfect mask for you. The yogurt will cleanse and nourish.

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